Grants & Awards

In June 2021 I was awarded the SPT Early Career Award from the Society for the Philosophy of Technology for my article "How Artifacts Acquire Agency". The prize is awarded biannually to an early career scholar whose work best embodies exceptional and innovative work that promises to expand the scope of research in the field.

In February 2020 I was awarded a Marie-Sklodowksa-Curie Individual Fellowship from the European Commission to pursue a research project on the Philosophy of Automation at the University of Vienna. The project "How Artifacts Acquire Agency: Towards a Philosophy of Automation" is scheduled to begin in June 2021 and will be supervised by Prof. Marck Coeckelbergh.
In 2017 I was awarded the Charles Schmitt Prize from the International Society for Intellectual History (ISIH) for my article "Enchanting Automata: Wilkins and the Wonder of Workmanship". The prize is awarded annually for the best essay by a doctoral student or recent postdoc for an essay in any area of intellectual history, broadly construed, from 1500 to the present, including the historiography of intellectual history
In 2015 & 2016 I was awarded grants by the Meltzer Fund for travel expenses to attend and present my research at a variety of international conferences.